Friday, June 29, 2012


Colorado has had two terrible forest fires in the last couple of weeks...hundreds of homes lost.  One was just 25 miles from Fort Collins.  Emma and Abby made this sign to thank the hundreds of people fighting the local fires.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adventures with Zoe...

Zoe and I go to the mall about once a week.  She loves the fountain, the ice cream cone and the kids play area.  She's too little to play much but she LOVES all the kids.  She tries to crawl to where they are and play but by the time she gets there, they've moved on.  Almost sad...but she laughs and giggles and shrieks the whole time.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We decided to try giving her some paint.  In the bathtub...perfect place to try this.  She wasn't really too interested...preferred to play with her bath toys.  But it was fun and we got these cute pictures.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Michele and I took Zoe to the Butterfly Pavilion...a great place.  Hundreds of gorgeous butterflies.  She had fun once she noticed the butterflies...of course, tried to catch them.

This guy was HUGE!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day brunch...

Great Father's Day BBQ!  Joel and Julianne are here for the summer visit so it was a good time to get together.  Zoe says, "I can almost reach that food!"

 Nice picture of the grandchildren who were there.

 Toasting Will on his 1st Father's Day.

Uncle and nieces.

 Uncle with niece and nephew.

Four new birdhouses for my back fence "neighborhood"...painted by Emma, Abby, Joel and Julianne...cute, cute, cute!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Trip to Buffalo...

Karen and I drove to Buffalo, Wyoming for a camping trip.  Beautiful scenery, almost no people...just like we like it.

This river was right outside our camper door. 

Lots of moose in the area, but very hard to find.  An early morning trek led us to these youngsters. 

Went to Thermopolis to the dinosaur museum.  I had been there before but it was new to Karen.  It's a great museum...lots of dinosaurs.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Emma's moving on...

Emma's moving on to middle school...that's the 6th grade in Fort Collins.  They had a very nice ceremony...she got a certificate for being on the honor roll all four semesters!