Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 38-40

Boy, time is really flying by...haven't written for three days??? Well, I've decided to try the Card Shoppe at least one more time. Have spent the last three days re-arranging my workroom...getting more organized, putting things where I can see them easier. I find I use the same stuff all the time and forget I have other stuff I could be using.

Time for a Visual Thesaurus Word of the Day...tergiversate...means to beat around the bush. Yep, I've done that when there's something to be said but I don't really want to say it.

I'm going to have to get out and take some pictures...this blog is really boring with no pictures!
Just heard today that this is the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese calendar. That's my sign so I'm going to check it out.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 36 and 37

Second day of the Card Shoppe was VERY quiet. There was still no notice in the paper...three people came by...they saw the signs. And an old friend I used to work with stopped in...great to see her and chat about what's happening. Final total...$271! I'm excited about that and encouraged that almost everyone who came bought something.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, no pictures to post of new cards I've made. What shall I talk about? It's snowing here today...all day...but very little accumulation. Put my house back together after the 2-day event.

I'm having second thoughts about whether I want to continue this idea. I know I said I'd do it for a year but the thought of starting all over again and making another 120-150 cards is rather daunting...don't have much enthusiasm for it right this moment.

But what in the heck will I do. I'm going to be a little busy with the teddy bear recycling program I'm starting. Nevertheless, I'll still have LOTS of time on my hands. Maybe I'll do a little job-hunting...see what kind of part-time jobs might be out there. Decisions, decisions.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 35

Well, this was the BIG day...Grand Opening of the Four Season Card Shoppe. Some good, some bad. The bad...the newspaper did not publish my ad. Their explanation was, "We've been having some problems in that area recently." So, almost no one knew about the event.

I did put up some signs on influential corners and my first customer came by having seen one. The second customer was a neighbor...I passed out flyers on my street. But the BIG hip-hip-hooray was when Michele and 8 of her co-workers came...all together...and bought a big bunch of stuff. Very exciting!!

I'm supposed to be open again tomorrow, so I will, but don't have much hope for customers. The paper said "we'll try" to get the ad in, and I put a notice on Craigslist but not holding out much hope. But it was very encouraging that everyone who looked, bought and there were lots of encouraging comments.

As it happens, today is also my 72nd the first three pictures are flowers I received from my wonderful family.

These are milk cartons. Cut them down, put in the floral foam that holds water and add fresh flowers. Pretty neat idea...can't remember where I saw it. People like them but no one bought one...yet.

Here's the table with the Valentines and Easter cards...and I sold twice as many Valentines as Easter.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34

If I had a video camera, you'd be looking at pictures of me somersaulting across the room...well, not really but it's what I feel like. I'm done, done, done. Tomorrow morning I'm taking myself out to breakfast, then cleaning my house and I'll be ready for Friday. I have made 180 items...114 of that is cards. I'm pretty surprised there's that wonder I'm pooped!

Now, it's just wait and see if anyone shows up to buy. These are the things I made today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 32 and 33

If you're planning on looking at all the pictures in today's blog, better grab a cup of'll be here awhile...two day's worth of stuff. Yesterday I finished the masculine cards and started on some for ladies. Today I made notebooks. Tomorrow will be the last day for production because Thursday I need to clean house and get everything set up.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. some of this photography is a little iffy...