Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 87-88

Despite my best intentions, I just can't seem to get this silly post done every day...and to add insult to injury (whatever that means) I didn't take a picture on Day 2 of my 365 pictures project. But I took these lovely harbingers of spring today...the first sign of color...whoopee!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 86

A watershed day in Colorado...I opened my windows and doors for the first time since....hmmm...sometime in October. Wonderful...breezes wandering aimlessly through the rooms, bringing freshness to every corner.

My pictures today are two of the cards I've made for the next Card Shoppe.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 83-85

Well, so much for posting daily!!! If you read this blog for very long, you'll see I'm always coming up with "new" ideas. Never mind that I started this blog with five or six goals and I'm just barely doing any of them...always on to something new. Now I've decided to try the 365 picture project...you know, one picture every day for a year.

So this is the first one and what a day today was. I bought $72.92 worth of stuff for $20.06. Such a deal!!! First I went to REI. As a member I get a rebate once a year. I bought a small nonstick frying pan for my camper and with my $20 rebate and a 20% discount it only cost $1.92.

Then off to Kohl's. This $45 purse was on sale for $27 and I had a coupon for $10 off so it was, with tax, $18.14. How I'd love to do that all the time. The purse is quite a bit bigger than I usually buy but I like it and the striped interior is bright and cheery.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 41-82

Yup...it's been awhile. After the card show it just didn't seem like I had much to say. Then I went to California for a couple of weeks. Spent a week with old friends and a week with my sister, Karen. Karen and I were really busy...sailing on a tall-masted ship, going to a kite festival, wandering around the Living Desert Museum in Palm Desert and taking a Segway tour at the San Diego Wild Animal Park...what a hoot! Do it if the opportunity every arises!!

Springtime in the Rockies!

Today there's a bright blue sky...gorgeous!!!...and the snow is melting off the trees and roofs almost as fast as it came down yesterday. Walking under trees you need your hood up or it's snow down your neck for sure. And if you happen to be under a tree when a squirrel is scampering overhead...no doubt about it...you're going to get very wet.

I've been working on Father's Day cards for the next show and fulfilling some card orders I got while in California. Now that I've broken the posting drought, I'm hoping to stick with it.