Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 357 - 365

As I looked back over my first year as a blogger, I was VERY prolific in the beginning, then pooped out at the end. Even so, it was fun to look back. I'm, let's say planning...on being here more often in 2011.

I've had these carolers for about 20 them.

Emma and Abby with one of their big "wants"...a stand-up mike and sparkly costumes.

Took this on a walk through one of our local "natural" areas.

New Year's Day in Fort Collins.

Goodbye 2010...hello 2011...can't wait to see what develops!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 355 - 356

Michele came by and we went walking around the lake at City Park. LOTs of geese...I think they're from Canada and we're one of the first warm...well, warmer than Canada...places they stop. In fact, that's one of the signs fall is hear the geese as they fly in.

There was something about these bushes that said, "Take a picture".

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 352 - 354

I HATE to walk...hate it, hate it, hate it. I know it's good for me...that I'll sleep better...and I keep trying positive thinking...I love it, I love it, I love it...nope, doesn't work. So now I'm trying walking in new and different places...and taking my camera...maybe this will help.

Here's my first a natural area just a couple miles from my house. This lady is waiting for snow so she can hitch up her team and go sledding...sounds like fun!

I keep trying to take "photographer's" pictures...they seldom turn out like I'd hoped...maybe practice will make me better.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 351

Wow...publishing two days in a row...this is exciting. More cards for the Veterans Hospital.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 348 - 350

Okay...I think this is going to work better...writing in the morning instead of at night. Now that the summer market is over and I have no place to sell my cards, donating them seemed like a good idea...c'mon Jacque, it would be a good idea year round. So these are going to the local veterans hospital. And a confession would be a good idea at this point...I really don't have many original ideas for cards...I wander around the Internet and see cards I like and then I copy them...maybe not exactly but pretty close. So, a HUGE thank you to all the talent that inspires me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 306 - 347

The original goal of this blog was to create a record I could look back on in 10 years. Well, I certainly haven't done a very good job...huge holes in the record. I tried putting pieces of paper all over the house so I'd have a place to record my thoughts during the day and then put them here...guess what, I don't have that many thoughts because I haven't written a single word anywhere.

So, now I'm going to start writing here in the morning instead of at night...we'll see how that goes. Winter pictures.

This adorable trio is me and two Carol's. We decided to be in the Senior Follies so we chose Singin in the Rain, created a tap dance and voila...Broadway here we come. Had a great time! And if you're REALLY interested, here's the link to our video on YouTube.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 287 - 305

Every time I get back here, I'm amazed at how much time has gone by. How do those people do it who post almost every day? And I know they have busier lives than I do....hmmmmmmmmm, a mystery.

Fall has finally arrived here in Fort Collins. We had such a nice warm fall that the trees were stubbornly remaining green. But now color has arrived and it's beautiful.

This is the tree in my front's the tallest one on the street and I just love it...except when ALL these leaves fall.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 264 - 286

This post is going to start with the most recent happenings and go backwards...just the opposite of what I usually do because that's the way I loaded the pictures.

My sister, Karen, and I just took a GREAT camping trip to southern Colorado...Durango, Silverton, Aspen, etc to see the fall colors.!! If you've never taken a fall vacation in an area where the leaves change colors, I urge you to do it at your earliest convenience. These pictures are VERY poor substitutes for the original.

We took the Durango/Silverton train...great fun. We went ATV riding...a first for me...sometimes fun...sometimes scarry. We camped out in my camper...roasted hot dogs over the campfire, laid on the picnic table and marveled at the stars, and played lots and lots of games. A terrific time and I will definitely be going somewhere next autumn.

Brianne had her baby September 16...Rilee Allen Simmons. I suggested that that spelling will lead people to think she had a girl when in fact she had a boy. Whatever...he's adorable and mom and baby are doing great.

The last French Nest in 2010 is in 10 days. My vacation burned up several of my "getting ready" days...but it was sooooooooooo worth it. Here are a couple of fall notebooks.

And here are a couple of new cards.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 257 - 263

A bike is a great form of transportation. Lots faster than walking...even at my turtle-like speed, you get the wind in your face, and you see soooooooooo much more than if you're in the car. And if you live in the north end of Fort Collins, there's lots and lots of streets with little or no traffic.
I can ride to the grocery store, library, post office, and about 20 restaurants...very cool!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 245 - 256

Busy, busy. Don't you just LOVE it when you find a treasure at a garage sale or auction? Both the dessser scarf and the dainty apron have beautiful hand-embroidery and are in pristine condition. I've listed them on Etsy...if they don't sell before the next Market, I'll take them with me.

Granddaughter Brianne is expecting. It's a boy due the end of this month. The family shower was last weekend. She looks great...I think the only pounds she's gained are the baby...still pretty thin everywhere else.

This was my shower gift...20 thank-you notes. Not nearly enough so she'll just have to send them to the special people (ha, ha).

Now that summer is on its last legs, the cherry and watermelon cards have to go. Need product with leaves, pumpkins, scarecrows...I'm working on it. First, though, are these wedding cards.

That antique trim was a garage sale find!! Yea!

After I took this picture, Michele said, "Dump the bells" I did...just a sticker that easily came off.

Emma and Abby on an outing with Michele. They went bike riding, had lunch and tried on hats.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 229 - 244

The August market was the worst selling day yet...I did make enough to cover the booth rental but that's about it. And I was so excited about all my back-to-school items. But I think a BIG problem is the way my booth is arranged so that's going to change next time and I expect LOTS more sales.

Here's the inside of my camper loaded up for market...all my products are in the truck with me...this is just the stuff that makes up the booth.

Jessica and Joel at Disney World...they went for a week courtesy of their other grandparents.

Yes, I'm still trying to take a picture every day...honestly, I often forget and then make up by taking several pictures in one day. All of these were taken last Friday.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 221 - 228

My life is pretty much getting ready for the August French Nest. The frustrating part is how little I actually get done each day. I'm not sure's not like there's anything else I have to do....a mystery.

First is a calendar kit. They'll get the calendar and over a hundred tags, die cuts and cut paper to put on their calendar pages as they want. It's a July 2010 to December 2011 calendar so I've used the July page as a sample to give them some ideas.

They also get a clothespin...just because they're cute!

The girls and I went to the Larimer County Fair...great fun! These teeny-tiny rubber animals were a free prize at a small hide-and-seek game put on by the 4-H.

They look a little unsure just before the ride starts, but were ready to go again when they got off.

Because my booth has the school theme, I feel like I need to have lots of choices for customers. These are pretty quick to put together and I think...I hope...they'll be popular.