Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 151

One of the many veterans we honor today...sadly, most of us don't show enough appreciation for the sacrifices that have been made for us...and that includes me. I'm going to check into how I might do a better job...I'll let you know.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 150

First an update on turning Dollar Store party hats into Victorian flower cones...nope...not going to happen. I tried several times but could not get one that looked good...scratch that project.

Once in awhile I get a little down...not selling enough cards, no one is buying my stuff on know. And then I'll see or read a story that puts me in my place. This morning on CBS Sunday Morning...a favorite of mine...they had two VERY meaningful stories. The first was about a young man who lost all four of his limbs in Afghanistan...both his arms and both his legs...can you even begin to imagine?...and yet he's happy to have survived, is seemingly pretty positive and looking forward to living a full life. The other was about a family who puts out about 1500 American flags at six cemetaries near them for Memorial Day. It's been a tradition in their family since World War II!!! And what did I get from that? (1) To shut my mouth and quit complaning about my miniscule problems, and (2) that I need to do more to help others.

My picture for today is my backyard art. I love how it looks in the weeds...and now I need to go out and mow those weeds.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 149

Back to Census work today...knocking on more doors...asking more questions. And checking on my Etsy store to see how successful the kits were...not very. No sales yet...but I'm hopeful...they'll sell eventually, won't they?

Today's picture...I delivered these chocolate chip cookies to a couple of apartment managers who were VERY helpful in getting my Census sheets filled out.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 148

At first kits are ready for Etsy. Very excited...very anxious...very hopeful. Here are three examples of cards you can make with the kit contents.

First, cut the center out of the doily, then fanfold the rest. Now lay it on your card and put one of the dipsy-doodles in the center. Now you can add whatever else appeals to you to finish your card. Dipsy-doodle...the handmade embellishments in the kit.

This card uses the crocheted square, the vintage graph paper and a piece of the lace. I also usedsome background paper, a stamp, some sponging on the graph paper edges, a small piece of ribbon and a BIG can use your creativity to come up with something amazing.

This last sample uses another dipsy-doodle, the three paper flowers, another of the vintage paper sheets and some of the lace. I used white craft paint and dry-brushed the cardstock to create a shabby-chic-looking background. Stamp the image of your choice on the paper, lightly sponge the edges, add the embellishments. I mounted all the flowers with pop-dots for dimension.

Okay...your turn...and I'd LOVE to see your creations!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 141-147

Busy, busy. The last couple days I brushed off my dusty nursemaid skills to take care of my adorable granddaughter, Jessica, following her surgery to remove all her wisdon teeth. And I'm still doing the census thing, working on cards...always...working in my yard, and reading a good book, "Shanghai Girls" by Lisa See. Here's poor Jessica with her chipmunk cheeks.

These gorgeous iris were planted by the previous owners and return faithfully every!

Adri's graduation was Sunday...she looked soooooooooo cute.

I saw an online tutorial to take party hats from the Dollar Store and make Victorian flower cones. So I bought some and I'm going to try it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 136-140

Where do the days go? I've been doing my Census work, going to auctions and garage sales, working on cards and kits. The Census job is pretty easy...almost everyone I've talked to has been friendly and cooperative. I've left a lot of "Notice of Visit" because so many people aren't home during the day. I hope that tomorrow...Saturday...I'll be able to complete my assignment.

These are my auction purchases. The coal bin and bed frame will both be made into yard art. I'm thinking the hat boxes may have been a mistake...they really aren't in very good shape and I'm not sure I want to do the work it would take to make them sellable. The cradle will get some sanding to age it, a coat or two of antique glaze and a new cover for the mattress.

There's an open-air market here in the summer...The French Nest...and I've decided to take a small booth and see what I can sell...some cards, some other paper products and some of these kinds of things that I buy and freshen up or repurpose...wish me luck.

A few days ago I had a picture of this lilac bush covered in snow. Here it is in its restored condition but there's not many flowers...guess the snow took its toll.

Here's part of the kit that will be on Etsy and one of the samples to suggest uses for some of the stuff.

Still doing my "picture a day" project. These are dandelions at night...I think they look pretty cool even though they are weeds...and I have a LOT of them.

Today was garage sale day. Went to four sales, spent $5 and this is what I bought. I think there are lots of possibilities to use these things in cards and Etsy kits.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 132-135

Well, I guess I must have been busy since I haven't been on here for four days!! Finishing up Census school, working on my kits for Etsy. Doing a short cat-sitting stint for Michele and that explains the first picture...Alex. Don't be fooled by this seemingly peaceful pose...she's an attack cat...thank goodness she doesn't have claws!!!

On Friday I didn't have Census school so I lazed around a little, worked on my Etsy kits...then I looked at my Etsy page and realized that the special focus was on Friday!!! No, no, no! Very frustrating...oh, well, I'll have to pay for another focus for next weekend. My picture for are all the shoes in my closet...not very exciting, is it?

Went to a craft fair in town today called the French Nest...this was a display one of the vendors kindly let me photograph...some cute stuff but I didn't buy anything.

Then it was off to the regional high school track meet where granddaughter, Adri, was competing. She qualified for the state championships in the 200 and, with her teammates, in the 4 x 1. So, on Thursday, I'll be in Denver for the state meet. Sadly, the film that had all the great pictures I took at the meet got stuck in my camera...yes, I still take pictures with film...and was ruined. Very bummed!

Went to an auction this morning...bought several things I plan on refurbishing and selling at a garage sale later this summer. I'll have pictures in a day or two. Then off to Adri's graduation party. And this is Adri...

...isn't she adorable??

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 131 May...really? Yup...this was the white scene at 6:00am this morning. That's my lilac bush...the lilacs were just beginning to appear...probably not now. Census school is taking up almost all day but I am working on some kits for my Etsy store. I need to get them on there before Saturday when I have paid to have my products profiled. Will that make a difference? We'll see!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 124-130

I haven't been blogging, but I have been taking pictures every day. This is the area in my yard I've decided to tackle first. Just showing you how it looks now so when I'm done, you'll be really impressed.

Next project...this is the mail slot on my front porch. There used to be a metal thingamabob there. I didn't like it so when it fell out, I didn't replace it.

Finally got tired of looking at the hole, so off to the dollar store, pick up a basket, stick in a few ribbons and...voila...a cute mail box. It actually looks cuter now because I added another row of ribbon...didn't take another picture.

These trees are all over town right now...lots of both the pink and the white...gorgeous. So pretty, in fact, they deserve to have their picture taken two days in a row.

Happy Mother's day...aren't they beautiful?

I am going to work for the census...knocking on doors of people who haven't sent in their form. Monday was my first day of training...oh my gosh!!! Forms, forms, forms!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 122-123

Just wandering around my house...kind of lost without the pressure of getting ready for the card show. Doing some work in my yard...boy, what a lot there is to do!!! house, reading, playing the piano, reading. Feels strange...I keep thinking I should be in the workroom making cards.

This is the picture for yesterday...Abby taking her turn to paint at Michele's new house.

These lovely tulips are in the backyard across the street from Michele's new house. I'm over there every day for a little while helping with ALL the painting that has to be done.

I do have some gorgeous vintage and antique laces I bought at an auction that I'd like to sell on Etsy. Some I'll sell on their own and some as part of kits to make cards. But I need to make the kits so guess I'll start on that in the next day or two.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 121

A wonderful kick-back day...I earned it with all the frantic days leading up to the card show. I did almost nothing all day...loved it!!

As part of my "picture a day" project this is the first in an occasional series of "beautiful homes of Fort Collins". Love this tidy!

Two items from a recent email that made me laugh...because it's sooooooo me: (1) I would rather try to carry 10 plastic bags in each hand than make two trips to bring in my groceries; and (2) sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 120

Today wasn't quite as busy as yesterday but the customers tended to buy more. About 75% of the Mother's Day cards and notepads are gone; 50% of the Father's Day cards and post-it notes. And sold 2 more of the flower vases. Yippee!!

This is my wonderful granddaughter, Emma, helping out with the painting at Michele's new house. And another wonderful granddaughter, Brittany, graduated from community college today. I missed it because I had the card show...bummer!