Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 168-172

Yesterday was the French Nest Market…really had a good time and sold $140 worth of things…some vintage, some paper products. It’s really encouraging to hear all the positive remarks people make about the cards, et etc…however, I told Michele from now on anyone who says, “That’s adorable” more than twice has to buy it!

Lots more pictures of the family in Spain. Here’s Emma waiting for the high-speed train to Sevilla.


Churros and chocolate sauce for breakfast.

spain8More waiting for trains.


Abby on the balcony of their apartment in Sitges…what a view!


Building sandcastles on the Mediterranean shore.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 167

I said I'd start posting some of my cards, so here are four I made to sell this weekend at the French Nest Market. It's close enough to the 4th that I think these may be popular.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 161-166

Drove with Matt and family to DIA for their month-long vacation in Spain. I went so I could bring their car back to Fort Collins. Here they are packed and ready to go.

This is in Madrid...and the best thing about the picture is Matt's expression.

Abby in front of some famous clue what it is.

Now they're in Seville. Unfortunately the first day was a rainy one so they went to a flamenco dance theater for some indoor activities. The girls drew their impressions of a dancer.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 155-160

Things don't change much around here. Making cards...which I need to start posting here...working for the census, volunteering at Matthews House, reading...that's about it.

These are bags I made for Emma and Abby for their plane trip to Spain. I saw the idea somewhere on the web...they were very easy to make and I'm thinking they will work well. You put six ziploc bags into a gift bag, cut the bottom of the gift bag off so it's only as long as the ziplocs. They tape or sew the ziplocs in, seal up the bottom and fill it with goodies.

I went to a garage sale out in farm country so took these two pictures as part of my 365 project.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 154

What did I do today??? Slept late, took myself out to breakfast at a new restaurant in Old Town, made a few cards, made peanut butter cookies and egg salad sandwiches as snacks for Michele, Jessica and Brittney on their trip to California tomorrow. Jess is moving to Southern California to continue with college, Brit is stopping in Vegas to see a friend and Michele is going along as the adult in the car.

Love this picture with the wood and flowers...wish my front yard looked like this.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 152-153

This is my first try at writing my blog with Windows Live Writer.  It’s supposed to be the the cat’s meow for writing blogs.  We’ll see. 


Timers…I recommend them because they show you how much you can get done in a small amount of time.  I set mine for 30 minutes, work on something, then go work on something else for 30 minutes.  At the end of the day I’ve accomplished a lot more.

Walking around on my Census job I’ve noticed some gorgeous flowers…like these…

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and these…

6-2-10a 004I took Emma and Abby with me on my photo-taking expedition…they really were all into it.

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