Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 229 - 244

The August market was the worst selling day yet...I did make enough to cover the booth rental but that's about it. And I was so excited about all my back-to-school items. But I think a BIG problem is the way my booth is arranged so that's going to change next time and I expect LOTS more sales.

Here's the inside of my camper loaded up for market...all my products are in the truck with me...this is just the stuff that makes up the booth.

Jessica and Joel at Disney World...they went for a week courtesy of their other grandparents.

Yes, I'm still trying to take a picture every day...honestly, I often forget and then make up by taking several pictures in one day. All of these were taken last Friday.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 221 - 228

My life is pretty much getting ready for the August French Nest. The frustrating part is how little I actually get done each day. I'm not sure's not like there's anything else I have to do....a mystery.

First is a calendar kit. They'll get the calendar and over a hundred tags, die cuts and cut paper to put on their calendar pages as they want. It's a July 2010 to December 2011 calendar so I've used the July page as a sample to give them some ideas.

They also get a clothespin...just because they're cute!

The girls and I went to the Larimer County Fair...great fun! These teeny-tiny rubber animals were a free prize at a small hide-and-seek game put on by the 4-H.

They look a little unsure just before the ride starts, but were ready to go again when they got off.

Because my booth has the school theme, I feel like I need to have lots of choices for customers. These are pretty quick to put together and I think...I hope...they'll be popular.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 218 - 220

I think I mentioned that my August French Nest booth will focus on Back To School. After years in California, it's still hard for me to get used to school starting in the middle of August instead of after Labor Day...but start it does.

These are lunchbox notes. I've been making them for three days and have about 6 sets of 8 cards and envelopes. I think most of them are pretty cute...of course, I won't make any money because how much can you charge for a 3 x 3 card and an envelope? But I'm hoping it will generate interest in the booth and people will remember me as, "that lady that makes cute things."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 216 - 217

Yesterday I drove ALL the way to Fort Morgan...about 1-1/2 an auction which, in the online description, sounded like there were several items I would like to have...not! Everything was junky or moldy...they neglected to mention there had been a flood.

So I drove around town thinking I might spot a garage sale or two...nope! I did take these two pictures of great homes.

Stopped to watch a little of Michele's softball tournament on the way back. She's still a terrific athlete and it's fun to watch her play.